
You're getting older

In this scene, Ellie is upset about numerous things. She has a conversation with Piggy.

Piggy laid in Ellie's lap and looked up at her.

"You're getting older." he said, observantly.

She laughed, "No, I'm not."

He moved some of the hair out of her face.

"Oh yes you are."

She pushed him out of her lap.

He was a full grown man, mind you. So he was only half-way on her lap, with his other half on the couch.

"Nooooooo!" he exclaimed, making himself slide onto the floor completely.

There was a loud "thud", and then a burst of giggles from both of them.

"That was so dramatic!" she said, "You did NOT need to fall on the floor."

"Oh yes I did." he argued, still laughing.

He stood up, and fixed his own hair to cover part of his face.

He sobered. "What's wrong, Ellie?"

"What do you mean?"

"You seem depressed lately."

"Maybe I am." She looked down so he couldn't meet her eyes.

So he kneeled to look up at her.


"I don't know exactly. It's a lot of things I guess." She thought for a moment.

"I don't really know what I'm doing," she continued, "I don't know how to act sometimes or how to function. I don't know what to do during the day. And I don't know what I'll do in the future."

"Sounds like you worry a lot." He offered her a smile.

"Don't you?"

He shook his head. "I don't need to worry about such things."

She shifted uncomfortably.

"And I'm in pain." she added.

"What's up?"

"I don't know. I think I was made wrong." She laughed, but let herself fall back, defeated anyway. She was still on the couch, but looking up at the ceiling now.

He went to hug her, forcing a laugh too. "And you think I was made right?"

She looked up at him, as he was standing again now.

She put her hand on his face, right where his scar was from where his eye used to be. She pushed the hair out of his face. She could reach him because of the way he was leaning.

"Yeah, I think you're perfect." She was somehow crying and laughing at the same time. She meant it too.

written by Ari Painful Writer