
Vampire Stories

Stories, excerpts, and etc that contain vampires.

Read them by clicking on the titles below!


A vampire's rant about injustice and prejudice. It's a collection of thinly-veiled analogies for ableism.
I wrote it when I was 16. I edited it at 22.

I feel it is worth noting that there's a couple mentions of disliking children.
I did dislike children at the time, but I don't hate kids anymore.

Unrelated, I used the phrase "va-proffesional", and "va" for short.
These were terms I made up to parallel "para-proffesional" and "para". This is because I thought at the time that
para-professionals (also known as aids) were called para-professionals
because they were so-called proffesionals on paraplegics (a real stretch, I know).
Therefore, I was calling the vampire-equivelent "va-professionals"
as in vampire professionals.

If it's of any interest to you, para-proffesionals are actually called para-professionals
because of "para" in this context meaning alongside of, more-so as a teacher's aid.
Para-professional does NOT mean paraplegic professional.

Additionally, while I thought at the time that para-proffesional meant paraplegic professional,
I HATED this concept, and did not believe or feel at all that they were professionals
on the topic of paraplegia or on paraplegic people.

X the Vampire

Trigger warning and content warning: The story involves Xavier's highly abusive girlfriend.
Their relationship is toxic and she is verbally, emotionally, and physically abusive towards him.

This story didn't actually have a name but I will call it X the Vampire.
It's incredibly unfinished and sort of just ends during a scene. I may add onto it one day. I wrote it when I was 16.
I did edit it at 22. The story is told through the first-person perspective of a vampire named Xavier.

My criticsim of this story, besides the fact that it ends during a scene because it isn't finished,
would be that the beginning is pretty cliché, and the way they talk is kind of awkward and silly. Things like that can and do happen in real life,
but I don't know if anyone really TALKS like that in real life. Additionally, I didn't explain or provide more context for the "staying out all night"
or the weird sleeping hours. The idea was that (in this universe) vampires are more nocturnal than not,
and those that are half-vampire are not as nocturnal as vampires but aren't usually awake all day like humans either.

X and Isabelle

A short scene depicting a rather cute interaction between Xavier and Isabelle.
I may add it to the X the Vampire story at some point. It's told through the first-person persepective of Xavier.