Scribbles and Scratches
Various pieces of writing akin to journal entries. They're some-what poetic and mostly on the shorter side.
Ari Painful Writer
A short piece on wanting someone to spend time with.
I go on about wanting to experience things and see the world, etc.
18 Word Story
This one is only 18 words long. It sounds like it might be about a romantic relationship, but it wasn't.
What If We Kissed
A cute piece about kissing girls with a commentary on how woman-loving-woman relationships
are often swept under the rug as woman just being friends.
Inspired by a prompt that, if I remember correctly, simply said "lies".
adam wakes up
Inspired by a tumblr post written by eesirachs.
I took a different spin on her piece. I do like her original and other posts she's written too!
What I wrote is actually pretty short, and there are a lot of things said before the actual piece.
I wrote everything in lowercase because the post it's inspired by
is written entirely in lowercase. I was just keeping with the format.
I would like to include a trigger warning for my version of this piece.
Trigger warning: religion, Christianity, an unintentional rape theme
(it's not about rape, but it sounds like it could be),
body horror / gore, medical mention and medical trauma.
You can read her original piece here!
Trigger warning: Religion, Christianity, possibly body horror / gore
Me? Kind?
A piece about denying that I could possibly be a good person when I've been told I'm not.
If all moms hate their daughters, (daughter hating + transphobia)
A piece referencing a theory that all mothers hate their daughters.
It wonders about how moms feel about different kinds of trans kids,
and if moms change how they feel based on if you're their daughter or not.
Trigger warning: transphobia
Create Something Just To Destroy It
A short piece about the trend of creating figures out of clay and then crushing them.
It has an extremely brief commentary about bad mother-daughter relationships.
Let's go for a walk.
An abandoned short story that I started writing based off of a prompt that said
"Write a story that includes someone saying, "Let's go for a walk."
This is a fictionalized piece about myself and my mom going for a walk. It is not a re-tell of a real instance,
however, it does reference a real one (my reference to the what happened at the park).
This does not paint either my mom nor I in the prettiest lighting.
I wrote this from a place of pain, and I was aware even when I wrote it
that I was becoming bitter and not the nicest person.
I also feel the need to point out that my mother isn't the worst all of the time,
and does have a kinder side. That side is not showcased in our park incident, though.
Today I Learned How To Whistle
This is a poem about learning to whistle, and it remarks upon meeting other milestones later in life.
I wrote this when I was 19... when I learned how to whistle.
I am going to keep this as I wrote it when I was 19, because that is when I learned how to whistle,
and, therefor, I feel it is important to keep the poem as raw as it was at the time.
If I were to criticize it, I would point out that I switched between "learned" and "learnt" more than once,
and, while, upon looking it up, I think they're both correct,
I feel I should have at least been consistent with which one I was using.
I doubt I even realized I switched back and forth at the time that I wrote this, though.
Things about...
This is a series I wrote I believe in 2020. I was about 19.
I list a few things about each month of the year.
I started posting these on Tumblr in 2021, with each being scheduled
to upload at midnight on the 1st (first) of every month.
I also would reblog (almost) every one once during the day for more exposure.
Some of the things I list are biased or relevent to where I live or how I grew up,
for example things like "school's out" or "snow".
I am aware that schools in different areas let out in different months,
not everywhere in the world gets snow in certain months or at all, etc.
The mention of the snow is also aging badly,
since it does not snow nearly as often as it used to,
and seemingly less-so as time goes by.