

In this scene, some house guests are unhappy about how Piggy is dressed.

Piggy came in through the front door and whirred by, drinking a pink lemonade and wearing some of Ellie's more feminine clothing.

"Where are you going!" she called.

"I want food!" he shouted from the kitchen. She was in the living room.

"What were you wearing!"

"It's yours! I got it from your closet."

"I noticed!"

"They fit!"

"I wear big clothes!"

"I'm a big man!"

It was all kind and in good fun, but Ellie was oblivious to whatever her guests, that were sat right there in the living room with her, were thinking.

"What was that all about?" the woman asked.

"Oh," Ellie answered, "We share clothes sometimes."

The male guest was silent, he just made faces.

The woman looked disturbed too but was more vocal about it.

"What is... up with him? Is he... " she whispered the next part, "gay?".

Ellie looked at the floor in the distance, feigning a confused thinking face. "I always assumed he was asexual."

The woman looked offended and SHOCKED.

Ellie grinned and tried to keep a level tone. "He's just very comfortable in his masculinity." she said.

The couple shuffled in their seats indignantly. The woman muttered to the man, "Inappropriate! Improper!"

Snowball strolled into the room at the right time. He must've been in earshot.

"Oh, would you look at the time," he cleared his throat, it was almost a growl if a person could do such a thing, "We have things we need to do today. Thank you for coming by."

He probably would've physically pushed them out if they didn't get up and leave fast enough, but he didn't have to.

The door closed pretty hard behind them, might have been because of Snowball, but who's to say.

Ellie and him both went out to the kitchen to see Piggy preparing food.

"What are you making, Pig-man?" Snowball smiled at him.

"Grilled cheeses!" He beamed. "You want some?"

"Yeah!" Snowball answered, and Ellie asked for one too.

"You do look amazing in that outfit." she said.

"Thank you!" Piggy spun a little, but not all the way around, making the skirt woosh.

He stacked a pile of raw grilled cheeses on a plate, and then layered them onto the skillet.

"I love the skirt." Snowball said.

Piggy smiled. "You should wear one." he spoke through a loose slice of cheese.

Snowball grabbed a loose slice too. "Not my style," he bit the slice, "but looks great on you."

He gave him half a squeezey hug. Ellie snuck two slices of cheese. Teddy, Orange Bow, and JT came into the room and sat down at the table. It was a good day.

written by Ari Painful Writer