
Almost (Red)

Inspired by a prompt that simply said "Almost". This is written about someone psuedonymed "Red".

You, my dear, will always be one of the sweetest "almosts".

We were fleeting, I don't think it was meant to last, or maybe it was and I did it wrong.

Almost, Almost, Almost.

Almost your lover for life, maybe. Or maybe not.

Did you know we'd only make an almost? That we could only be a "Could've been"?

Or was that my fault entirely, maybe it wasn't destiny to be this way?

I'm serious, I know I'm to blame but was it so apparent from the beginning that it wouldn't be forever or did I make it to be not forever…

I don't know if everything happens for a reason, I think maybe people choose their own paths… but I don't know if maybe this was supposed to happen.


Almost my infinity.

Almost my everything.

You're my sweetest, harshest "almost".

And it's almost something I can get away with, but it's dishonest.

I don't know if it was supposed to end but it did and it ended because of me whether it was supposed to or not.

My "almost".

My love.

The love wasn't an almost. The love is a definite.

(I definitely love you)

written by Ari Painful Writer