
adam wakes up

Trigger warning: Religion, Christianity, an unintentional rape theme, body horror / gore, medical mention and medical trauma

I saw a tumblr post on Pinterest describing Adam waking up after God had taken his rib.

In this post, Adam was left with a longing for someone to touch him again.

However, my interpretation of the beginning of this post was that Adam was going to feel violated from his rib being taken.

I checked the comments, and immediately there were three people who also seemed to interpret it at first as a feeling of violation.

That wasn't what the post ended up being. I do appreciate the actual post.

I decided to write what was my interpretation of the beginning. The first line is taken from the original post. I wrote a short piece that was sort of a personal vent.

You can view the original post by eesirachs on her tumblr here.

You can view the repost on Pinterest with the comments I referenced here.

-- Note from author (me)

This is teetering into a non-consensual topic, it almost sounds like it's about rape. I suppose it can be open to interpretation, and if that's what it means for you I'm sorry that happened, and it is your own right to interpret it that way. For me, it was about non-consensual or blurred-lines-"consensual" surgery as a minor.

-- end note from author

adam wakes up, probes his side. rib gone, wound sticky. god's fingers have touched a place that will never be touched again.

"why did you do this to me? did i ask?"

"i asked you if you wanted to"

"i don't remember answering."

"it's not for you to decide"

"then why did you even ask me"

"i don't know"

"i never said no or yes. that doesn't mean yes"

"you would've anyway"


adam put his hand over his wound. it ached. his mind ached too.

"i'll never be the same"

adam said this with multiple meanings.

written by Ari Painful Writer